6 U.S. Code § 423
6 U.S. Code § 423 is about Increased simplified acquisition threshold for procurements in support of humanitarian or peacekeeping operations or contingency operations. It is under Part F (Federal Emergency Procurement Flexibility) of Subchapter VIII (Coordination With Non-federal Entities; Inspector General; United States Secret Service; Coast Guard; General Provisions) of Chapter 1 (Homeland Security Organization) of Title 6 (Domestic Security) of the Code.
(a) Temporary threshold amounts
For a procurement referred to in section 422 of this title that is carried out in support of a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation or a contingency operation, the simplified acquisition threshold definitions shall be applied as if the amount determined under the exception provided for such an operation in those definitions were—
(1)in the case of a contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States, $200,000; or
(2)in the case of a contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States, $300,000.
(b) Simplified acquisition threshold definitions
In this section, the term “simplified acquisition threshold definitions” means the following:
(1)Section 134 of title 41.
(2)Section 153 of title 41.
(3)Section 3015 of title 10.
(c) Small business reserve
For a procurement carried out pursuant to subsection (a), section 644(j) of title 15 shall be applied as if the maximum anticipated value identified therein is equal to the amounts referred to in subsection (a).