1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.12 – File Date for a Complaint
The file date for a complaint is the date the complaint is received by the commission.
The file date for a complaint is the date the complaint is received by the commission.
1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.13 – Description of Violation (a) If a complaint does not include the specific rule or provision of law alleged to have been violated,
1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.11 – Deadline for Filing a Complaint (a) The commission has no jurisdiction over an alleged violation:(1) if the alleged violation is also a
1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.4 – Agreements to be in Writing No stipulation or agreement with respect to any matter in a complaint shall be effective unless it
1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.3 – Ex Parte Communications Neither commission enforcement staff nor respondents may communicate with commissioners or the general counsel outside the presence of the