1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.33 – Certificate of Conference
Except as provided in this chapter or unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, all motions shall include a certificate of conference that complies substantially with one of the following examples:
(1) Example one: “Certificate of Conference: I certify that I conferred with {name of other party or other party’s authorized representative} on {date} about this motion. {Succinct statement of other party’s position on the action sought and/or a statement that the parties negotiated in good faith but were unable to resolve their dispute before submitting it to the commission for resolution.} Signature.”; or;
(2) Example two: “Certificate of Conference: I certify that I made reasonable but unsuccessful attempts to confer with {name of other party or other party’s authorized representative} on {date or dates} about this motion. {Succinctly describe these attempts.} Signature.”