Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.51

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.51

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.51 – Conduct and Decorum

(a) Parties, representatives, and other participants at a hearing shall conduct themselves with dignity, show courtesy and respect for one another and for the commission, and follow any additional guidelines of decorum prescribed by the presiding officer, including adherence to the amount of time allotted for the hearing. Attorneys shall adhere to the standards of conduct in the Texas Lawyer’s Creed promulgated by the Supreme Court of Texas and the Court of Criminal Appeals and the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct promulgated by the Supreme Court of Texas.

(b) Attorneys should advise their clients and witnesses of the applicable rules of conduct and decorum.

(c) All objections, arguments, and other comments by parties shall be directed to the commission and not to an opposing party.

(d) While a party is addressing the commission or questioning a witness, any other party shall not interrupt for any purpose except to make a valid objection.

(e) Parties shall not approach the dais without leave of the presiding officer and must not lean on the dais.

(f) Parties shall remain seated at the counsel table at all times except:
(1) when addressing the commission; and
(2) whenever it may be proper to handle documents, exhibits, or other evidence.

(g) Parties must question witnesses and deliver arguments to the commission while seated at the counsel table or standing at the lectern. If a party seeks to question or argue from another location, leave of the presiding officer must be requested and granted.

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(h) Parties must request leave of the presiding officer to conduct a demonstration.

(i) The presiding officer may take appropriate action to maintain and enforce proper conduct and decorum, including:
(1) issuing a warning;
(2) sanctioning a party pursuant to §12.45 of this chapter;
(3) excluding persons from the proceeding;
(4) recessing the proceeding; and
(5) clearing the hearing room of persons causing a disruption.

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