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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.42

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.42 – Motion for Continuance

(a) The presiding officer may postpone or delay a hearing.

(b) A request to postpone or delay a hearing shall include:
(1) a statement of the number of motions for continuance previously filed in the case by the movant;
(2) the specific reason for the request; and
(3) whether the movant is available if the hearing or prehearing conference is continued to the next tentatively scheduled commission meeting.

(c) Motions for continuance shall be filed no later than five days before the date of the proceeding or shall state good cause for presenting the motion after that time. If the presiding officer finds good cause has been demonstrated, the presiding officer may consider a motion filed after that time.

(d) Responses to motions for continuance shall be in writing, except a response to a motion for continuance made on the date of the proceeding may be presented orally at the proceeding. Unless otherwise ordered or allowed by the presiding officer, responses to motions for continuance shall be made by the earlier of:
(1) three days after receipt of the motion; or
(2) the date and time of the proceeding.

(e) A motion for continuance is not granted until it has been ruled on by the presiding officer, even if the motion is uncontested or agreed.

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