Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.92

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 12.92

1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.92 – Resolution of Technical or De Minimis Allegations

(a) Technical, clerical, or de minimis violations for purposes of §§ 571.0631 and 571.140 of the Government Code means any violation of law under the TEC’s jurisdiction that neither materially affects disclosure nor undermines public trust in government.

(b) Examples of technical, clerical, or de minimis violations include:
(1) Typographical or incomplete information on a campaign finance report that is not misleading and does not materially affect disclosure;

(2) Failure to include a disclosure statement or a highway right-of-way notice on political advertising;

(3) Failure of a non-incumbent to use the word “for” in a campaign communication that is not otherwise misleading;

(4) Failure to file a timely campaign finance report or campaign treasurer appointment if the alleged violations do not materially affect disclosure;

(5) Failure to timely respond to a sworn complaint if the respondent shows good cause for the late response.

(c) During the review of a sworn complaint under Chapter 571, Subchapter E of the Government Code, if the executive director determines that all of the alleged violations in the sworn complaint are technical or de minimis, the executive director may enter into an assurance of voluntary compliance with the respondent. Before entering into an assurance of voluntary compliance, the executive director may require a respondent to correct the violations.

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