1 Texas Administrative Code § 18.24 – General Guidelines for Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Statutory Civil Penalties
(a) For purposes of determining whether a filer is eligible for a waiver or reduction of a civil penalty under § 18.25 or § 18.26 of this title (relating to Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Certain Statutory Civil Penalties and Administrative Waiver or Reduction of Statutory Civil Penalties in Excess of $500 respectively), a “prior late offense” is any report for which a civil penalty for late filing was assessed, regardless of whether the civil penalty was waived or reduced. The term does not include:
(1) reports for which no late notices were sent and the filer did not file a request that the civil penalty be waived or reduced for the prior late report; and
(2) reports determined by the executive director to be not required.
(b) A civil penalty that is reduced under § 18.25 or § 18.26 of this title will revert to the full amount originally assessed if the reduced civil penalty is not paid within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the letter informing the filer of the reduction.
(c) A filer may appeal a determination made under § 18.25 or § 18.26 of this title by submitting a request for appeal in writing to the commission.
(1) The request for appeal should state the filer’s reasons for requesting an appeal, provide any additional information needed to support the request, and state whether the filer would like the opportunity to appear before the commission and offer testimony regarding the appeal.
(2) The Executive Director may review the appeal and reconsider the determination made under § 18.25 or § 18.26 of this title or set the appeal for a hearing before the commission.
(3) After hearing a request for appeal, the commission may affirm the determination made under § 18.25 or § 18.26 of this title or make a new determination based on facts presented in the appeal.