1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.5 – Reports Filed with a County Filing Authority
The county clerk (or the county elections administrator or tax assessor-collector who is required to perform the functions of the county clerk as provided by § 31.043 or § RSA 31.071 of the Election Code) is the appropriate filing authority for reports filed by:
(1) a candidate for:
(A) a county office;
(B) a precinct office;
(C) a district office (except for an office in a multi-county district); or
(D) an office of a political subdivision other than a county if the political subdivision is within the boundaries of a single county and if the governing body of the political subdivision has not been formed;
(2) a person holding an office listed in paragraph (1) of this section;
(3) a specific-purpose committee supporting or opposing a candidate listed in paragraph (1) of this section or an office holder listed in paragraph (2) of this section;
(4) a specific-purpose committee supporting or opposing:
(A) a measure to be submitted to the voters of a single county; or
(B) a measure concerning a political subdivision other than a county when the governing body for the political subdivision has not been formed and no boundary of the political subdivision crosses a boundary of a county.