1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.63 – Reporting the Use and Reimbursement of Personal Funds
(a) A candidate is required to report a campaign expenditure from his or her personal funds.
(b) An officeholder is not required to report an officeholder expenditure from his or her personal funds unless he or she intends to be reimbursed from political contributions.
(c) A candidate or officeholder must report a political expenditure from his or her personal funds using one of the following methods:
(1) As a political expenditure made from personal funds reported on the political expenditure made from personal funds schedule;
(2) As a loan without depositing the personal funds in an account in which political contributions are held. The amount reported as a loan may not exceed the total amount actually spent in the reporting period. A political expenditure made from these funds must also be reported as a political expenditure made from political funds, not as made from personal funds; or
(3) If the candidate or officeholder deposits personal funds in an account in which political contributions are held, he or she must report that amount as a loan with an indication that personal funds were deposited in that account. A political expenditure made from an account in which political contributions are maintained must be reported as a political expenditure made from political funds, not as made from personal funds.
(d) A candidate or officeholder who makes political expenditures from his or her personal funds may reimburse those personal funds from political contributions only if:
(1) the expenditures were fully reported using one of the methods in subsection (c) of this section on the report covering the period during which the expenditures were made; and
(2) if the method in subsection (c)(1) of this section was used, the report disclosing the expenditures indicates that the expenditures are subject to reimbursement.
(e) A candidate’s or officeholder’s failure to comply with subsection (d) of this section may not be cured by filing a corrected report after the report deadline has passed.
(f) A candidate or officeholder who has complied with subsection (d) of this section and whose personal funds have been reimbursed from political contributions must report the amount of the reimbursement as a political expenditure in the report covering the period during which the reimbursement was made.
(g) Section RSA 22.21 of this title (relating to Additional Restrictions on Reimbursement of Personal Funds and Payments on Certain Loans) set limits on the amount of political expenditures from personal funds that a statewide officeholder may reimburse from political contributions.