1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.213 – Pre-Election Reports
(a) A candidate who has an opponent on the ballot in an election must file two pre-election reports, except as provided by subsections (b), (e), and (f) of this section.
(b) A candidate who has declared the intention to file reports in accordance with § RSA 20.217 of this title (relating to Modified Reporting) and who remains eligible to file under the modified schedule is not required to file pre-election reports.
(c) The first pre-election report must be received by the authority with whom the report is required to be filed not later than 30 days before election day. If this is the candidate’s first report filed, the report covers a period that begins on the day the candidate’s campaign treasurer appointment was filed. Otherwise the period begins on the first day after the period covered by the last report required by this subchapter (other than a special pre-election report or a special session report) or Subchapter D of this chapter (relating to Reporting Requirements for an Officeholder Who Does Not Have a Campaign Treasurer Appointment on File). The period covered by the report continues through the 40th day before the election.
(d) The second pre-election report must be received by the authority with whom the report is required to be filed not later than eight days before election day. The report covers the period that begins on the 39th day before the election and ends on the 10th day before the election.
(e) If a person becomes an opposed candidate during the period that begins on the 39th day before the election and ends on the 10th day before the election, the person shall file one pre-election report. The report shall cover a period that begins on the day the candidate’s campaign treasurer appointment was filed, if this is the candidate’s first report filed, or on the first day after the period covered by the last report required by this subchapter (other than a special pre-election report or a special session report) or Subchapter D of this chapter. The period covered by the report ends on the 10th day before the election.
(f) If a person becomes an opposed candidate after the 10th day before the election, the person is not required to file pre-election reports. The person is required to file any special pre-election reports required by § RSA 20.221 of this title (relating to Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Candidates).