Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 26.1

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 26.1

1 Texas Administrative Code § 26.1 – Disclosure Statement

(a) A disclosure statement that is required by §255.001, Election Code, must contain the words “political advertising” or any recognizable abbreviation, and must:

(1) appear on one line of text or on successive lines of text on the face of the political advertising; or

(2) be clearly spoken in the political advertising if the political advertising does not include written text.

(b) A disclosure statement is not required on political advertising printed on letterhead stationery if the letterhead contains the full name of one of the following:

(1) the person who paid for the political advertising;

(2) the political committee authorizing the political advertising; or

(3) the candidate authorizing the political advertising.

(c) A disclosure statement is not required on:
(1) campaign buttons, pins, or hats, or on objects whose size makes printing the disclosure impractical;

(2) political advertising posted or re-posted on an Internet website, as long as the person posting or re-posting the political advertising:
(A) is not an officeholder, candidate, or political committee;
(B) did not make an expenditure exceeding $100 in a reporting period for political advertising beyond the basic cost of hardware messaging software and bandwidth; and
(C) did not post or re-post the political advertising in return for consideration.

(3) the Internet social media profile webpage of a candidate or officeholder, provided the webpage clearly and conspicuously displays the full name of the candidate or officeholder; or

(4) political advertising posted or re-posted by a person on an Internet website, provided the advertising is posted with a link to a publicly viewable Internet webpage that:
(A) contains the disclosure statement; or
(B) is exempt from containing the disclosure statement under Subsection (c)(3).

(d) For the purposes of Subsection (c), an “Internet social media profile webpage” is an Internet webpage on a website where members of the public may, for no charge, connect electronically with other members of the public and share text, images, videos, and similar forms of communications.

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