1 Texas Administrative Code § 34.63 – Assistants
(a) For purposes of Government Code, § RSA 305.005(f)(5), a person “employed or retained by the registrant for the purpose of assisting in direct communication” includes any person who provides administrative or research assistance to the registrant but does not include a person who provides only clerical or secretarial help.
(b) An individual employed by the same employer as the registrant and who assists the registrant at the direction of the registrant is “employed or retained” by the registrant for purposes of Government Code, § RSA 305.005(f)(5).
(c) A person listed by a registrant as an assistant under Government Code, § RSA 305.005(f)(5), is required to register if the assistant meets one of the registration thresholds under Government Code, § RSA 305.003, and this chapter.