1 Texas Administrative Code § 53.233 – Documentation of Guarantor
If the bonds are guaranteed by another entity, such entity must furnish the same documentation as the developer, to the extent applicable.
If the bonds are guaranteed by another entity, such entity must furnish the same documentation as the developer, to the extent applicable.
1 Texas Administrative Code § 71.107 – Request for Contested Case Hearing (a) If a claim of breach of contract is not resolved in its entirety through negotiation or
1 Texas Administrative Code § 71.105 – Costs of Negotiation Unless the parties agree otherwise, each party shall be responsible for its own costs incurred in connection with a
1 Texas Administrative Code § 71.103 – Settlement Agreement (a) A settlement agreement may resolve an entire claim or any designated and severable portion of a claim. (b) To
1 Texas Administrative Code § 71.101 – Settlement Approval Procedures The parties’ settlement approval procedures shall be disclosed prior to, or at the beginning of negotiations. To the extent