1 Texas Administrative Code § 57.2 – Application
(a) This chapter does not constitute independent authority for any Agency to contract for legal services with Outside Counsel.
(b) This chapter does not apply to an Agency excluded by § RSA 402.0212(a) of the Government Code or an Agency granted an exemption by, and at the sole discretion of, the Office of the Attorney General.
(c) The Attorney General, First Assistant Attorney General, or their designee, as designated in writing, may waive or modify any provision or requirement contained in this chapter at their sole discretion. To be effective, any such waiver or modification must be in writing.
(d) The Office of the Attorney General, at its sole discretion, may grant exemptions from or modify the retention of Outside Counsel process and the Request for Voucher Approval process in certain instances. Such exemptions or modifications may be based on the type and subject matter of the Outside Counsel Contract at issue.