1 Texas Administrative Code § 60.1 – Definitions
The following terms and abbreviations, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Application Kit–The information that is required to be completed and submitted by an applicant for a grant contract;
(2) Applicant–An entity that files an application for a grant contract with the OAG;
(3) CFR–Code of Federal Regulations;
(4) Claimant–An individual as defined in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 56.32(a)(2);
(5) COG–Council of Governments, a regional planning commission or similar regional planning agency created under Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 391;
(6) Competitive allocation–The distribution of grant funds to grantees based on an application process as well as an evaluation and review process;
(7) Computing devices–Machines used to acquire, store, analyze, process, and publish data and other information electronically, including accessories (or peripherals) for printing, transmitting and receiving, or storing electronic information;
(8) CVSD–Crime Victim Services Division, a division of the Office of the Attorney General;
(9) Eligible application–An application that meets the minimum requirements set forth in the RFA and Application Kit;
(10) Employee–A person under the direction and supervision of the grantee, who is on the payroll of the grantee and for whom the grantee is required to pay applicable income withholding taxes; or a person who will be on the grantee’s payroll and for whom the grantee will pay applicable income withholding taxes once the grant is awarded;
(11) Equipment–Tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the grantee for financial statement purposes or $5,000;
(12) Fringe benefits–Allowances and services provided by the grantee to its employees as compensation in addition to regular salaries and wages;
(13) Grantee–An entity or sub-recipient of an entity that receives a grant contract from the OAG;
(14) Indirect costs–Any cost not directly identified with a single, final cost objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or with at least one intermediate cost objective;
(15) Information technology systems–Computing devices, ancillary equipment, software, firmware, and similar procedures, services (including support services), and related resources;
(16) Local criminal prosecutor–A district attorney, a criminal district attorney, a county attorney with felony responsibility, or a county attorney who prosecutes criminal cases;
(17) Local law enforcement agency–The police department of a municipality or the sheriff’s department of any county;
(18) OAG–Office of the Attorney General;
(19) Other direct operating expenses–Costs not included in other budget categories and which are directly related to the day-to-day operation of the grant program;
(20) OVAG–Other Victim Assistance Grants administered by the OAG;
(21) Professional and consultant services–Any service for which the grantee uses an outside source for necessary support;
(22) RFA–Request for Applications;
(23) Special condition–A condition placed on a grant because of a need for information, clarification, or submission of an outstanding requirement of the grant that may result in a hold being placed on the OAG funded portion of a grant program. Special conditions may be placed on a grant at any time;
(24) Statewide program –An entity that actively offers or provides victim-related services or assistance in six or more COG regions;
(25) Supplies–All tangible personal property other than that described in paragraph (11) of this section. A computing device is a supply if the acquisition cost is less than the lesser of the capitalization level established by the grantee for financial statement purposes or $5,000, regardless of the length of its useful life;
(26) UGMS–The Uniform Grant Management Standards, promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts;
(27) VCLG–Victim Coordinator and Liaison Grants administered by the OAG to provide the victim assistance coordinator and crime victim liaison duties as provided in Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 56.04;
(28) Victim–Unless otherwise allowed by law, an individual as defined in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 56.32(a)(11); and
(29) Victim-related services or assistance–Pursuant to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 56.32(a)(13), compensation, services, or assistance provided directly to a victim or claimant for the purpose of supporting or assisting the recovery of the victim or claimant from the consequences of criminally injurious conduct.