1 Texas Administrative Code § 62.2 – Definitions
The following terms and abbreviations, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Chief–As used in this subchapter means the division chief of the OAG’s Crime Victim Services Division.
(2) OAG–The Office of the Attorney General.
(3) OAG Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (OAG SANE)–A person who holds an OAG SANE certification.
(4) OAG Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training Program (OAG SANE Training Program)–A training program approved by the OAG to provide Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner training.
(5) OAG SANE Certification–The formal process by which the OAG reviews and approves requests for OAG SANE Certification from qualified applicants set forth under this subchapter and on the OAG website.
(6) OAG SANE Certification Renewal–The formal process by which the OAG reviews and approves requests for OAG SANE Certification from an individual with a current OAG SANE Certification that continues to meet the minimum standards for OAG Certification set forth under this subchapter and on the OAG website.
(7) OAG SANE Training Program Certification–The formal process by which the OAG reviews and approves requests for OAG SANE Training Program Certification from qualified applicants set forth under this subchapter and on the OAG website.
(8) OAG SANE Training Program Renewal–The formal process by which the OAG reviews and approves requests for OAG SANE Training Program Certification from a training program with a current OAG SANE Training Program Certification that continues to meet the minimum standards for OAG certification set forth under this subchapter and on the OAG website.
(9) Registered Nurse (RN)–A person who holds an active, unencumbered professional nursing license as a registered nurse issued by the Texas Board of Nursing, including an RN who practices in Texas pursuant to any multistate licensure privilege.
(10) Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examination–A specialized examination provided pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 420, that uses an OAG-approved evidence collection kit and protocol.
(11) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)–A nurse who conducts sexual assault forensic medical examinations but does not hold an OAG SANE certification.
(12) Texas Board of Nursing (BON)–The Texas state agency responsible for regulating the practice of professional nursing, pursuant to the Nursing Practice Act, Texas Occupations Code.