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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 79.49

1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.49 – Failure to Submit Filing Instrument to Amend Entity Name; Notification to Attorney General

(a) No later than 100 days after the date the secretary of state sends the notification required under § 5.065(b) of the Business Organizations Code, the secretary shall notify the attorney general of the filing entity’s failure to submit the filing instrument requested to amend the entity name.

(b) The written notification sent to the attorney general shall include:

(1) the full correct name of the domestic or foreign filing entity and the file number issued to the entity by the secretary of state;

(2) a copy of the request for review sent by the governmental entity to the secretary of state, including any relevant documentation provided with the request;

(3) a copy of each notification sent by the secretary of state to the domestic or foreign filing entity; and

(4) a copy of any response and documentation submitted by the domestic or foreign filing entity to the secretary of state, or, if no response was received, a statement to that effect.

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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 79.48

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