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Article 134 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 134 Revised Penal Code

Article 134 of the Revised Penal Code is about Rebellion or insurrection; How committed. It is under Chapter One (Rebellion, Sedition And Disloyalty) of Title Three (Crimes Against Public Order) of the Code.

Rebellion or insurrection; How committed.

The crime of rebellion or insurrection is committed by rising publicly and taking arms against the Government for the purpose of removing from the allegiance to said Government or its laws, the territory of the Philippine Islands or any part thereof, of any body of land, naval or other armed forces, depriving the Chief Executive or the Legislature, wholly or partially, of any of their powers or prerogatives. (As amended by R.A. 6968).

See also: Article 133 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 156 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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