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Article 190 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 190 Revised Penal Code

Article 190 of the Revised Penal Code is about Possession, preparation and use of prohibited drugs and maintenance of opium dens. It is under Chapter Three (Frauds) of Title Five (Crimes Relative To Opium And Other Prohibited Drugs) of the Code.

Possession, preparation and use of prohibited drugs and maintenance of opium dens

The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine ranging from 300 to 1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon:

1. Anyone who unless lawfully authorized shall possess, prepare, administer, or otherwise use any prohibited drug.

“Prohibited drug,” as used herein includes opium, cocaine, alpha and beta eucaine,

Indian hemp, their derivatives, and all preparations made from them or any of them, and such other drugs, whether natural or synthetic, having physiological action as a narcotic drug.

“Opium” embraces every kind, class, and character of opium, whether crude or prepared; the ashes on refuse of the same; narcotic preparations thereof or therefrom; morphine or any alkaloid of opium, preparation in which opium, morphine or any kind of opium, enter as an ingredient, and also opium leaves or wrappings of opium leaves, whether prepared or not for their use.

“Indian hemp” otherwise known as marijuana, cannabis, Americana, hashish, bhang, guaza, churruz, and ganjah embraces every kind, class and character of Indian hemp, whether dried or fresh, flowering or fruiting tops of the pistillate plant cannabis satival, from which the resin has not been extracted, including all other geographic varieties whether used as reefers, resin, extract, tincture or in any other form whatsoever.

See also  Article 168 Revised Penal Code Philippines

By narcotic drug is meant a drug that produces a condition of insensibility and melancholy dullness of mind with delusions and may be habit-forming.

2. Anyone who shall maintain a dive or resort where any prohibited drug is used in any form, in violation of the law.

See also: Article 189 Revised Penal Code

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