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Article 216 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 216 Revised Penal Code

Article 216 of the Revised Penal Code is about Possession of prohibited interest by a public officer. It is under Chapter Three (Frauds And Illegal Exactions And Transactions) of Title Seven (Crimes Committed By Public Officers) of the Code.

Possession of prohibited interest by a public officer.

The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period, or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon a public officer who directly or indirectly, shall become interested in any contract or business in which it is his official duty to intervene.

This provisions is applicable to experts, arbitrators and private accountants who, in like manner, shall take part in any contract or transaction connected with the estate or property in appraisal, distribution or adjudication of which they shall have acted, and to the guardians and executors with respect to the property belonging to their wards or estate.

See also: Article 215 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 272 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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