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Article 308 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 308 Revised Penal Code

Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code is about Who are liable for theft. It is under Chapter Three (Theft) of Title Ten (Crimes Against Property) of the Code.

Who are liable for theft

Theft is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of another without the latter’s consent.

Theft is likewise committed by:

1. Any person who, having found lost property, shall fail to deliver the same to the local authorities or to its owner;

2. Any person who, after having maliciously damaged the property of another, shall remove or make use of the fruits or object of the damage caused by him; and

3. Any person who shall enter an inclosed estate or a field where trespass is forbidden or which belongs to another and without the consent of its owner, shall hunt or fish upon the same or shall gather cereals, or other forest or farm products.

See also: Article 307 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 282 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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