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Article 331 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 331 Revised Penal Code

Article 331 of the Revised Penal Code is about Destroying or damaging statues, public monuments or paintings. It is under Chapter Nine (Malicious Mischief) of Title Ten (Crimes Against Property) of the Code.

Destroying or damaging statues, public monuments or paintings

Any person who shall destroy or damage statues or any other useful or ornamental public monument shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period.

Any person who shall destroy or damage any useful or ornamental painting of a public nature shall suffer the penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

See also: Article 330 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 120 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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