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Article 89 Revised Penal Code Philippines

Article 89 Revised Penal Code

Article 89 of the Revised Penal Code is about How criminal liability is totally extinguished. It is under Chapter One (Total Extinction Of Criminal Liability) of Title Four (Extinction Of Criminal Liability) of the Code.

How criminal liability is totally extinguished

Criminal liability is totally extinguished:

1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties and as to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor is extinguished only when the death of the offender occurs before final judgment.

2. By service of the sentence;

3. By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the penalty and all its effects;

4. By absolute pardon;

5. By prescription of the crime;

6. By prescription of the penalty;

7. By the marriage of the offended woman, as provided in Article 344 of this Code.

See also: Article 88 Revised Penal Code

See also  Article 290 Revised Penal Code Philippines

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