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Article II Section 7 Florida Constitution – Natural Resources and Scenic Beauty

Article II Section 7 Florida Constitution

Article II Section 7 Florida Constitution is about Natural Resources and Scenic Beauty. Article II is titled General Provisions, it has nine sections.

Natural Resources and Scenic Beauty

(a) It shall be the policy of the state to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty. Adequate provision shall be made by law for the abatement of air and water pollution and of excessive and unnecessary noise and for the conservation and protection of natural resources.

(b) Those in the Everglades Agricultural Area who cause water pollution within the Everglades Protection Area or the Everglades Agricultural Area shall be primarily responsible for paying the costs of the abatement of that pollution. For the purposes of this subsection, the terms “Everglades Protection Area” and “Everglades Agricultural Area” shall have the meanings as defined in statutes in effect on January 1, 1996.

(c) To protect the people of Florida and their environment, drilling for exploration or extraction of oil or natural gas is prohibited on lands beneath all state waters which have not been alienated and that lie between the mean high water line and the outermost boundaries of the state’s territorial seas. This prohibition does not apply to the transportation of oil and gas products produced outside of such waters. This subsection is self-executing.

See also: Article II Section 6 Florida Constitution

See also  Article II Section 3 Florida Constitution - Branches of Government

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