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Article III Section 31 Pennsylvania Constitution – Delegation of Certain Powers Prohibited

Article III Section 31 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article III Section 31 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Delegation of Certain Powers Prohibited. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections.

Delegation of Certain Powers Prohibited

The General Assembly shall not delegate to any special commission, private corporation or association, any power to make, supervise or interfere with any municipal improvement, money, property or effects, whether held in trust or otherwise, or to levy taxes or perform any municipal function whatever. Notwithstanding the foregoing limitation or any other provision of the Constitution, the General Assembly may enact laws which provide that the findings of panels or commissions, selected and acting in accordance with law for the adjustment or settlement of grievances or disputes or for collective bargaining between policemen and firemen and their public employers shall be binding upon all parties and shall constitute a mandate to the head of the political subdivision which is the employer or to the appropriate officer of the Commonwealth if the Commonwealth is the employer, with respect to matters which can be remedied by administrative action, and to the lawmaking body of such political subdivision or of the Commonwealth, with respect to matters which require legislative action, to take the action necessary to carry out such findings.

See also: Article III Section 30 Pennsylvania Constitution

See also  Article III Section 11 Pennsylvania Constitution - Appropriation Bills

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