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Article V Section 14 Pennsylvania Constitution – Judicial Qualifications Commission

Article V Section 14 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article V Section 14 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Judicial Qualifications Commission. Article V is titled The Judiciary, it has 18 sections and schedule.

Judicial Qualifications Commission

(a) Should the method of judicial selection be adopted as provided in section thirteen (d), there shall be a Judicial Qualifications Commission, composed of four non-lawyer electors appointed by the Governor and three non-judge members of the bar of the Supreme Court appointed by the Supreme Court. No more than four members shall be of the same political party. The members of the commission shall serve for terms of seven years, with one member being selected each year. The commission shall consider all names submitted to it and recommend to the Governor not fewer than ten nor more than twenty of those qualified for each vacancy to be filled.

(b) During his term, no member shall hold a public office or public appointment for which he receive compensation, nor shall he hold office in a political party or political organization.

(c) A vacancy on the commission shall be filled by the appointment authority for the balance of the term.

See also: Article V Section 13 Pennsylvania Constitution

See also  Article II Section 9 Pennsylvania Constitution

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