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Article VIII Section 2 Florida Constitution – Municipalities

Article VIII Section 2 Florida Constitution

Article VIII Section 2 Florida Constitution is about Municipalities. Article VIII is titled Local Government.


(a) ESTABLISHMENT. Municipalities may be established or abolished and their charters amended pursuant to general or special law. When any municipality is abolished, provision shall be made for the protection of its creditors.

(b) POWERS. Municipalities shall have governmental, corporate and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes except as otherwise provided by law. Each municipal legislative body shall be elective.

(c) ANNEXATION. Municipal annexation of unincorporated territory, merger of municipalities, and exercise of extra-territorial powers by municipalities shall be as provided by general or special law.

See also: Article VIII Section 1 Florida Constitution

See also  Article VII Section 12 Florida Constitution - Local Bonds

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