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Article XI Section 11 California Constitution – Local Government

Article XI Section 11 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XI Section 11 of the California Constitution 

(a) The Legislature may not delegate to a private person or body power to make, control, appropriate, supervise, or interfere with county or municipal corporation improvements, money, or property, or to levy taxes or assessments, or perform municipal functions.

(b) The Legislature may, however, provide for the deposit of public moneys in any bank in this State or in any savings and loan association in this State or any credit union in this State or in any federally insured industrial loan company in this State and for payment of interest, principal, and redemption premiums of public bonds and other evidence of public indebtedness by banks within or without this State. It may also provide for investment of public moneys in securities and the registration of bonds and other evidences of indebtedness by private persons or bodies, within or without this State, acting as trustees or fiscal agents.

See also: Article XI Section 10 California Constitution

See also  Article XIX Section 3 California Constitution - Motor Vehicle Revenues

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