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Article XI Section 7.5 California Constitution – Local Government

Article XI Section 7.5 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XI Section 7.5 of the California Constitution 

(a) A city or county measure proposed by the legislative body of a city, charter city, county, or charter county and submitted to the voters for approval may not do either of the following:

(1) Include or exclude any part of the city, charter city, county, or charter county from the application or effect of its provisions based upon approval or disapproval of the city or county measure, or based upon the casting of a specified percentage of votes in favor of the measure, by the electors of the city, charter city, county, charter county, or any part thereof.

(2) Contain alternative or cumulative provisions wherein one or more of those provisions would become law depending upon the casting of a specified percentage of votes for or against the measure.

(b) “City or county measure,” as used in this section, means an advisory question, proposed charter or charter amendment, ordinance, proposition for the issuance of bonds, or other question or proposition submitted to the voters of a city, or to the voters of a county at an election held throughout an entire single county.

See also: Article XI Section 7 California Constitution

See also  Article II Section 3 California Constitution - Voting, Initiative and Referendum, and Recall

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