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Article XIX B Section 2 California Constitution – Motor Vehicle Fuel Sales Tax Revenues and Transportation Improvement Funding

Article XIX B Section 2 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XIX B Section 2 of the California Constitution

(a) For the 2003–04 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, all revenues that are collected during the fiscal year from taxes under the Sales and Use Tax Law (Part 1 (commencing with Section 6001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code), or any successor to that law, upon the sale, storage, use, or other consumption in this State of motor vehicle fuel, as defined for purposes of the Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax Law (Part 2 (commencing with Section 7301) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code), shall be deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund or its successor, which is hereby created in the State Treasury and which is hereby declared to be a trust fund. The Legislature may not change the status of the Transportation Investment Fund as a trust fund.

(b) (1) For the 2003–04 to 2007–08 fiscal years, inclusive, moneys in the Transportation Investment Fund shall be allocated, upon appropriation by the Legislature, in accordance with Section 7104 of the Revenue and Taxation Code as that section read on March 6, 2002.

(2) For the 2008–09 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, moneys in the Transportation Investment Fund shall be allocated solely for the following purposes:

(A) Public transit and mass transportation. Moneys appropriated for public transit and mass transportation shall be allocated as follows: (i) Twenty-five percent pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 99312 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009; (ii) Twenty-five percent pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 99312 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009; and (iii) Fifty percent for the purposes of subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 99315 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009.

(B) Transportation capital improvement projects, subject to the laws governing the State Transportation Improvement Program, or any successor to that program.

(C) Street and highway maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or storm damage repair conducted by cities, including a city and county.

(D) Street and highway maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or storm damage repair conducted by counties, including a city and county.

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(c) For the 2008–09 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, moneys in the Transportation Investment Fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the Controller without regard to fiscal years, which shall be allocated as follows:

(A) Twenty percent of the moneys for the purposes set forth in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).

(B) Forty percent of the moneys for the purposes set forth in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).

(C) Twenty percent of the moneys for the purposes set forth in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).

(D) Twenty percent of the moneys for the purposes set forth in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).

(d) The Legislature may not enact a statute that modifies the percentage shares set forth in subdivision (c) until all of the following have occurred:

(1) The California Transportation Commission has held no less than four public hearings in different parts of the State to receive public input about the need for public transit, mass transportation, transportation capital improvement projects, and street and highway maintenance;

(2) The California Transportation Commission has published a report describing the input received at the public hearings and how the modification to the statutory allocation is consistent with the orderly achievement of local, regional and statewide goals for public transit, mass transportation, transportation capital improvements, and street and highway maintenance in a manner that is consistent with local general plans, regional transportation plans, and the California Transportation Plan;

(3) Ninety days have passed since the publication of the report by the California Transportation Commission.

(4) The statute enacted by the Legislature pursuant to this subdivision must be by a bill passed in each house of the Legislature by rollcall vote entered in the journal, two-thirds of the membership concurring, provided that the bill does not contain any other unrelated provision and that the revenues described in subdivision (a) are expended solely for the purposes set forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).

(e) (1) An amount equivalent to the total amount of revenues that were not transferred from the General Fund of the State to the Transportation Investment Fund, as of July 1, 2007, because of a suspension of transfer of revenues pursuant to this section as it read on January 1, 2006, but excluding the amount to be paid to the Transportation Deferred Investment Fund pursuant to Section 63048.65 of the Government Code, shall be transferred from the General Fund to the Transportation Investment Fund no later than June 30, 2016. Until this total amount has been transferred, the amount of transfer payments to be made in each fiscal year shall not be less than one-tenth of the total amount required to be transferred by June 30, 2016. The transferred revenues shall be allocated solely for the purposes set forth in this section as if they had been received in the absence of a suspension of transfer of revenues.

See also  Article XIII A Section 5 California Constitution - Tax Limitation

(2) The Legislature may provide by statute for the issuance of bonds by the state or local agencies, as applicable, that are secured by the minimum transfer payments required by paragraph (1). Proceeds from the sale of those bonds shall be allocated solely for the purposes set forth in this section as if they were revenues subject to allocation pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b).

(f) This section constitutes the sole method of allocating, distributing, and using the revenues described in subdivision (a). The purposes described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) are the sole purposes for which the revenues described in subdivision (a) may be used. The Legislature may not enact a statute or take any other action which, permanently or temporarily, does any of the following:

(1) Transfers, diverts, or appropriates the revenues described in subdivision (a) for any other purposes than those described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b);

(2) Authorizes the expenditures of the revenues described in subdivision (a) for any other purposes than those described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) or;

(3) Borrows or loans the revenues described in subdivision (a), regardless of whether these revenues remain in the Transportation Investment Fund or are transferred to another fund or account such as the Public Transportation Account, a trust fund in the State Transportation Fund.

(g) For purposes of this article, “mass transportation,” “public transit” and “mass transit” have the same meanings as “public transportation.” “Public transportation” means:

(1) (A) Surface transportation service provided to the general public, complementary paratransit service provided to persons with disabilities as required by 42 U.S.C. 12143, or similar transportation provided to people with disabilities or the elderly; (B) operated by bus, rail, ferry, or other conveyance on a fixed route, demand response, or otherwise regularly available basis; (C) generally for which a fare is charged; and (D) provided by any transit district, included transit district, municipal operator, included municipal operator, eligible municipal operator, or transit development board, as those terms were defined in Article 1 of Chapter 4 of Part 11 of Division 10 of the Public Utilities Code on January 1, 2009, a joint powers authority formed to provide mass transportation services, an agency described in subdivision (f) of Section 15975 of the Government Code, as that section read on January 1, 2009, any recipient of funds under Sections 99260, 99260.7, 99275, or subdivision (c) of Section 99400 of the Public Utilities Code, as those sections read on January 1, 2009, or a consolidated agency as defined in Section 132353.1 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on January 1, 2009.

See also  Article XIX Section 4 California Constitution - Motor Vehicle Revenues

(2) Surface transportation service provided by the Department of Transportation pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 99315 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009.

(3) Public transit capital improvement projects, including those identified in subdivision (b) of Section 99315 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009.

(h) If the Legislature reduces or repeals the taxes described in subdivision (a) and adopts an alternative source of revenue to replace the moneys derived from those taxes, the replacement revenue shall be deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund, dedicated to the purposes listed in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b), and allocated pursuant to subdivision (c). All other provisions of this article shall apply to any revenues adopted by the Legislature to replace the moneys derived from the taxes described in subdivision (a).

See also: Article XIX B Section 1 California Constitution

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