Constitutional Issues Bedeviling the ARCON Act 2022 (Part II) – Isah Ibrahim Egya

Part II: Constitutional Issues Bedeviling the ARCON Act 2022 Building on my previous article, this sequel examines three additional constitutional conflicts within the ARCON Act, highlighting the extent of its legal overreach. ARCON Act Vs Fourth Schedule of the 1999 Constitution Part III of the ARCON Act starting from section 8 to section 9 empowers the council to regulate and control advertising, advertisements and marketing communications in all its aspects and ramifications directed at or exposed to the Nigerian market.[2] However, it is a trite principle of Law that the federal government can only legislate on matters contained in the Exclusive and Concurrent lists only. In those two lists, nowhere was advertising ever mentioned, save in Item 1(K)(I) of […]
Necessity or Otherwise of Swearing in an Acting CJN – Muftaudeen Barakat Oluwakemi

Necessity or Otherwise of Swearing in an Acting CJN Abstract This Article seek to analyze the provision of the Constitution concerning whether it is necessary for an Acting CJN to take an Oath pursuant to Section 290(1) of the CFRN, which provides thus:” A person appointed to any judicial office shall not begin to perform […]
Constitutional Issues Bedeviling the ARCON Act 2022 (Part 1) – Isah Ibrahim Egya

Constitutional Issues Bedeviling the ARCON Act 2022 Man’s unending need for goods, services, and other necessities of life has made trading an inevitable venture. While human needs remain constant, innovation has transformed how they are fulfilled. One of these innovations is the practice of advertising and marketing, which became digitized due to globalization. Due its […]
Right to Life: Exceptions and limitations under Nigerian laws – Abdullahi Muhammad

Right to Life: Exceptions and limitations under Nigerian laws Generally, right to life is of universal standard. Various international treaties and instruments recognize right to life as an inherent and inalienable right. Equally, under Nigerian laws, right to life is regarded as both human and fundamental right. Notwithstanding this, certain limitations and exception to the […]
A Critique of the Kaduna State Whistle Blower Protection Law 2017 – Akilu Saadu

A Critique of the Kaduna State Whistle Blower Protection Law, 2017: A Tool for Accountability In Nigeria today, many of the organisation and public institution are dwindling or better collapsing as a result of impropriety, corruption, mismanagement and embezzlement of public resources . Despite the security and corruption protection agencies scrutiny , the impropriety is […]
The Concept of Double Jeopardy in Nigerian Law – Abdullah Abdurrouf Al-Mujahid

The Concept of Double Jeopardy in Nigerian Law It is a notorious fact that there is a constitution in every country, i.e. a Ground Norms that is guiding their conduct. What then is constitution? Constitution can be define as a set of written rules and principles that govern the behavior and actions of a country, […]
The Decentralization of the Nigerian Supreme Court: Weighing the Pros and Cons

The Decentralization of the Nigerian Supreme Court: Weighing the Pros and Cons As the third arm of government, the Nigerian judiciary plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law, interpreting the constitution, and ensuring justice for all. The Supreme Court, the final arbiter in legal disputes, is at the apex of this judicial […]
Real Estate From the Lens of the Nigerian Juris Corpus – Chukwu Emmanuel

Real Estate From the Lens of the Nigerian Juris Corpus Abstract The article discusses the various legislations that regulate real estate in Nigeria. It highlights the key laws, such as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, the Land Use Act 1978, the Nigerian Urban and RegionalPlanning Act 2017, the Foreign Exchange (Monitoring […]
Impact of Cultural Differences on the Effectiveness of Arbitration and Mediation Processes – Egbetade Elijah Aanuoluwa

Impact of Cultural Differences on the Effectiveness of Arbitration and Mediation Processes Upon the advent of colonialism, litigation became the primary mechanism for maintaining peace and order among members of the society. Unfortunately, this mechanism came with strict procedural rules, exorbitant costs, and long trials process. To mitigate these complexities, Alternative Dispute Resolution system was […]
When Intent Falls Short: Should Attempted Crimes Carry the Same Weight as Completed Ones?

When Intent Falls Short: Should Attempted Crimes Carry the Same Weight as Completed Ones? Crime, the intentional commission of an act usually deemed socially harmful or dangerous and specifically defined, prohibited, and punishable under criminal law1. Crime , is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law, either forbidding or commanding it. […]