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CAC Registration in Nigeria: Company, Business Name, TIN (+Lawyer)

CAC registration

CAC Registration in Nigeria Want to know about CAC registrations in Nigeria? Company incorporation, Business name, TIN, Incorporated Trustee etc.? Stick with me! We have recommended a verified lawyer for you. The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is an independent body. It is saddled with the responsibility of regulating the formation and management of companies, businesses, […]

Criminal Liability of Corporate Entities (Companies) in Nigeria – Inioluwa Olaposi

criminal liability of corporate entities

Criminal Liability of Corporate Entities in Nigeria and Other Jurisdictions Previously at Common law, it was believed that corporate entities cannot be liable for criminal offences, because they lack any mental calculations for the satisfaction of mens rea, neither can they be subjected to imprisonment of corporal punishment. Corporate entities were only criminally liable for […]

Osun High Court (Civil) Rules 2008 (as amended) PDF

Osun state civil high court rules

Osun State High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2008 (as amended) PDF Date of commencement: 2ND DAY OF JANUARY, 2008. In exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 274 of the Constitution of theFederal Republic of Nigeria 1999, and of all other powers enabling me in that behalf I, Hon, Justice FASASI OLANIYI OGUNSOLA, […]

Criminal Liability in Nigeria (Actus Reus, Mens Rea) – Inioluwa Olaposi

criminal liability in Nigeria

Criminal Liability in Nigeria Generally speaking, an offence is made up of two elements, required for commission and liability. These are the physical element (actus reus) and mental element (mens rea). Although the later may refer to two concepts – men rea as an element of an offence to be proven for culpability in every […]

Corporate Crime (Crimes, Liability, Theories) – Inioluwa Olaposi

corporate crime

Crimes and Criminal Responsibility Crimes, often considered public, are frowned at in every society. Every conduct that pose significant threat to the inhabitant of any community is treated with serious consideration, and carefulness. Little wonder the prohibition of crimes flow with attending consequences. According to Richard Quinney , an American sociologist, “crime is a definition […]

Corporate Liability in Civil Matters (NG) – Inioluwa Olaposi

corporate liability in civil matters

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria Corporate Liability in Civil Matters The liability of a corporate entity in a civil matter can be easily determined, as this is not as stringent as in criminal proceedings. The burden of proof in a civil matter is on the basis of probability. But the guilt of an accused in […]

A Company as a Legal entity (NG) – Inioluwa Olaposi

company as legal entity

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria A Company as a Legal entity In modern times, the concept of ‘a person’ has gone beyond the gender classification of male, female, or groups of any other biological or scientific identity. The conduct of commercial transactions and its resultant effects have produced an expediency for the existence […]

Laws of Nigeria (Constitution, Codes, Land Use Act etc.)

The Laws of Nigeria are divided majorly into Federal and State laws. In Nigeria, Bicameral legislation exists at the Federal level and unicameral legislation at the States. The Federal Legislature makes law for the whole federation. It is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. These are jointly called the National Assembly. […]

Regulation of Banking Business in Nigeria (Importance) – Inioluwa Olaposi

banking regulation importance in Nigeria

Importance of Regulation to the Banking Business Over the years, the banking environment has faced periodical challenges that have culminated, or threatened to culminate, in its lack of efficiency and operational failure. In reference to the early development of the banking system, history has remarked that to have the banking business largely unregulated is a […]

DEFAMATION: Definition, Types, Distinctions, Vulgar Abuse (NG) – Inioluwa Olaposi

defamation tort

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Defamation in Torts Defamation is the lowering of a person in the estimation of right-thinking members of the society. In other words, defamation is an abuse on someone’s reputation by another person. Historically, there were many defamation cases in Nigeria in the early 1960s, involving the press and different political […]