LawGlobal Hub

International Humanitarian Law (IHL Framework, Principles, Rules etc.) – Deborah Ali

International Humanitarian Law

International Humanitarian Law INTRODUCTION The history of International Humanitarian Law (hereinafter referred to as “IHL”), dates back to the year 1859, specifically the 24th of June with the headline, “The Battle of Solferino”. On that day to be remembered forever, the bloody struggle for Italian unification came to an end when the armies of France […]

Legal Implications of Copyright Infringement in Nigeria – Deborah Ali

Copyright infringement in Nigeria

Legal Implications of Copyright Infringement ABSTRACT Creativity is at the core of human existence. It is a way of life that values originality and embraces innovation. As an important aspect of life, people are constantly coming up with fresh concepts, imaginative writing, artistic creations, and other forms of imaginative expression. What happens when these works […]

Collegium System and its war with the Central Government – Kumar & Bhan

collegium system supreme court

Collegium System and its war with the Central Government “No institution in ‘democracy’ is perfect” -CJI DY Chandrachud The Collegium system is the most debatable topic from the time of its origin. This system has emerged from the various judicial pronouncements of the Supreme Court. A huge amount of criticism has been faced by the […]

The Role Of The Nigerian Lawyer In The Metaverse – Ani Freedolyn Chinechere

lawyer Metaverse

Role Of The Nigerian Lawyer In The Metaverse ABSTRACT Technology, instead of diminishing the legal profession, actually reinforces it and makes lawyers more germane amid expeditiously changing times. The impact of technology on the legal world is indisputable, especially given the context of the Metaverse. The metaverse which is considered the next horizon of a […]

Difference between Criminal Code and Penal Code in Nigeria – Inioluwa Olaposi

Criminal and southern regions

Criminal Code and Penal Code in Nigeria The most striking difference between the Criminal Code and the Penal Code in Nigeria is the scope of their operation. The Criminal code is applicable to the Southern region, while the Penal code is applicable to the Northern region of Nigeria. Thus, Northern states in Nigeria operate by […]

Ownership under Nigerian Land Law – Aanuoluwa Oluwapelumi OLA

Ownership under land law

Ownership under Land Law Ownership entails the total control, which a person has over his property. He has overriding right over his property is subject to no control. He is the owner and omega of his property. Ownership and Title are synonymous, and can be used interchangeably. The mere fact that you are the owner […]

Shruti Vora v. SEBI: Case Comment – Jatan Singh

Case Comment Shruti Vora v. SEBI Introduction For the wholesome management and functioning of a corporate organisation, transparency, openness and disclosure are its fundamentals. And to achieve these qualities, it is essential to keep a fiduciary relationship among the members, managers, and stakeholders of the organisation. Good governance attracts the investors and increases their reliance […]

Section 175 of the 1999 Constitution: an Antagonist of Judicial Powers

Section 175 of 1999 Constitution

Section 175 of the 1999 Constitution and Judicial Powers This article is particular to Nigeria! The bedrock of the governance of every society ready to live a long throw from the arms of a dictator is the doctrine of separation of powers. Simply put, separation of powers is a constitutional division of the powers of […]