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LawGlobal Hub

Malicious Prosecution (Law of Tort) NG

malicious prosecution tort

The tort of malicious prosecution is committed where the defendant maliciously and without probable cause, initiates against the plaintiff a criminal prosecution which terminates in the plaintiff’s favor and which results in damage to the plaintiff’s reputation.

Deceit (Law of Tort) NG

deceit tort

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Deceit We have seen that the rule in Hedley bryne & co V. Heller & partner Ltd, a person who makes a careless misstatement to another may be liable to that other in negligence or loss suffered as a result of reliance upon the misstatement. The tort of deceit is […]

Conversion (Law of Tort) NG

conversion tort

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Conversion Conversion may be defined as an intentional dealing with or exercise of control over a chattel which seriously interferes with the plaintiff’s right of possession of such chattel. Conversion is similar to trespass in that it primarily protects possession rather than ownership of goods. It differs from trespass in […]

Tort of False Imprisonment (Trespass to Person) NG

false imprisonment tort

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Tort of False Imprisonment False imprisonment is a Total restraint of the liberty of a person for however short a time without lawful excuse. It should be noted that there need not be any actual imprisonment in the ordinary sense. In other words, imprisonment has a wider meaning because there […]

Trespass to Chattel (Law of Tort) NG

trespass to chattel

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Trespass to Chattel The tort of trespass to chattel may be defined as a direct and wrongful interference with a chattel in the possession of the plaintiff, such interference being either intentional or negligent. By way of introduction, the word Tort means a wrong. A tort is any unjustifiable interference […]

Principle of Legality (Criminal Law) NG

Principle of legality

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Principle of Legality The principle of legality represents the standard of living that is expected of a criminal statute. It is captured in the Latin phrase “Nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine” which roughly translates as “No crime or punishment without the law”. It represents the yardstick […]

Death Penalty (Capital Punishment – Criminal Law)

Death penalty law

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Death Penalty/ Capital Punishment Should the death penalty be withdrawn or upheld in Nigeria? What do you think? This post considers the death penalty. For decades, the quest to achieve the maintenance of peace & order have been at the topmost of govt policies. However, this has been […]

Definition of Crime (Criminal Law) NG

crime meaning

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Crime What is a crime? Can we get an all-encompassing definition for it? Continue reading. The traditional debate over the definition or crime has not been grounded within the context if the more fundamental images of crime that actually guide the realms of criminological works. Prior to the […]

Undisclosed Principal (Law of Agency) NG

undisclosed principal agency

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Undisclosed Principal Who is an undisclosed Principal? What are his rights and Duties? Read on. The principle of agency is a type of special contract entered into by two or more people, wherein one person acts on behalf of the other. In the contract law, the term “undisclosed […]

Obligations in Agency (Commercial Law) NG

obligations in agency

N.B. This article is particular to Nigeria. Obligations in Agency Wondering what obligations exist in an agency relationship? This post is about obligations of Agency. The relationship between a principal and agent is essentially consensual. Where an agent has agreed to serve as the agent of the principal and the principal has equally given his […]