LawGlobal Hub

Section 36 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 36 Copyright Act Section 36 Copyright Act 2022 is about Infringement of copyright. It is under Part IV (Copyright Infringements) of the Act. Copyright is infringed by any person who without the authorisation of the owner of the copyright —(a) does or causes any person to do an act, which constitutes a violation of […]

Section 35 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 35 Copyright Act Section 35 Copyright Act 2022 is about Compulsory licence for public interest. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, the Commission may authorise the use of a work by any person for the purpose of rectifying the abuse of […]

Section 34 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 34 Copyright Act Section 34 Copyright Act 2022 is about Definitions for the purposes of sections 31-33. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) For the purposes of sections 31–33 of this Act “qualified person” means —(a) a citizen of Nigeria or an individual habitually resident in Nigeria […]

Section 33 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 33 Copyright Act Section 33 Copyright Act 2022 is about Licence for broadcasting organisations. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) A broadcasting organisation in Nigeria may apply to the Commission for a licence to produce and publish, for non-commercial purposes, the translation of —(a) a work referred […]

Section 32 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 32 Copyright Act Section 32 Copyright Act 2022 is about Compulsory licence to reproduce and publish works for certain purposes. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) Where, after the expiration of the relevant period from the date of the first publication of an edition of a literary […]

Section 31 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 31 Copyright Act Section 31 Copyright Act 2022 is about Compulsory licence to produce and publish translations. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) Any qualified person may, for the purposes of teaching, scholarship or research, apply to the Commission for a licence to produce and publish a […]

Section 30 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 30 Copyright Act Section 30 Copyright Act 2022 is about Assignment and licence. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) For the purpose of Chapter 4 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, copyright shall be deemed to be movable property and shall be transferable […]

Section 29 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 29 Copyright Act Section 29 Copyright Act 2022 is about Ownership of copyright in collective works. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. Except as otherwise provided by agreement —(a) copyright in a collective work shall vest in the person on whose initiative or direction the work was created […]

Section 28 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 28 Copyright Act Section 28 Copyright Act 2022 is about First ownership of copyright. It is under Part III (Ownership, Transfers and Licences) of the Act. (1) Except as otherwise provided in an agreement, copyright conferred by this Act, shall initially vest in the author. (2) Where a person in the absence of an […]

Section 27 Nigerian Copyright Act 2022

Section 27 Copyright Act Section 27 Copyright Act 2022 is about Special exceptions in respect of sound recordings of musical works. It is under Part II (Exceptions to Copyright) of the Act. (1) The copyright in a musical work is not infringed by a person who makes a recording of the work or of an […]