LawGlobal Hub

Section 24 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 24 Nigeria Startup Act Section 24 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Incentives for a labelled startup under the Pioneer Status Incentive Scheme. It is under Part VII (Tax and Fiscal Incentives) of the Act. A labelled startup which falls within industries captured under the extant Pioneer Status Incentives (PSI) Scheme may upon application […]

Section 23 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 23 Nigeria Startup Act Section 23 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Support of academic research institutions. It is under Part VI (Training, Capacity Building and Talent Development) of the Act. The Secretariat shall support the activities of an academic research institution to the development of a startup by —(a) creating linkages between a […]

Section 22 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 22 Nigeria Startup Act Section 22 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Talent development. It is under Part VI (Training, Capacity Building and Talent Development) of the Act. (1) The Secretariat shall collaborate with the National Universities Commission, National Board for Technical Education and other tertiary institutions regulatory bodies within Nigeria to develop modules, […]

Section 21 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 21 Nigeria Startup Act Section 21 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Training and capacity building. It is under Part VI (Training, Capacity Building and Talent Development) of the Act. (1) The Secretariat shall design and implement a training and capacity building programme for startups, in accordance with this Act, and shall utilise the […]

Section 20 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 20 Nigeria Startup Act Section 20 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Functions of the Fund Manager. It is under Part V (Startup Investment Seed Fund) of the Act. The Fund Manager shall —(1) Create an innovation grant budget and management framework to support research and development projects, and (2) Issue a framework which […]

Section 19 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 19 Nigeria Startup Act Section 19 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Establishment of Startup Investment Seed Fund. It is under Part V (Startup Investment Seed Fund) of the Act. (1) There is established the Startup Investment Seed Fund (in this Act referred to as “the Fund”) to be managed by the Nigeria Sovereign […]

Section 18 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 18 Nigeria Startup Act Section 18 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Reissuance of startup label. It is under Part IV (Startup Labelling Process) of the Act. Where a startup, whose startup label is withdrawn under section 17 of this Act, rectifies the default, it may apply to the Secretariat for a reissuance of […]

Section 17 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 17 Nigeria Startup Act Section 17 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Withdrawal of startup label. It is under Part IV (Startup Labelling Process) of the Act. Where a labelled startup fails to regularise the default after being notified, the Secretariat shall withdraw the startup label and notify the relevant MDAs or investors that […]

Section 16 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 16 Nigeria Startup Act Section 16 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Obligations of labelled startup. It is under Part IV (Startup Labelling Process) of the Act. (1) A labelled startup under this Act shall —(a) comply with all the extant laws governing businesses in Nigeria ;(b) provide information annually on the number of […]

Section 15 Nigeria Startup Act 2022

Section 15 Nigeria Startup Act Section 15 Nigeria Startup Act 2022 is about Issuance of a labelling certificate. It is under Part IV (Startup Labelling Process) of the Act. (1) Where the Coordinator is satisfied that an applicant has complied with the requirements for labelling under this Act, the Coordinator shall —(a) with the approval […]