LawGlobal Hub

Section 88 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 88 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 88 Electoral Act 2022 is about Limitation on election expenses. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) Election expenses shall not exceed the sum stipulated in subsections (2)-(7). (2) The maximum election expenses to be incurred by a candidate at a presidential election shall notexceed […]

Section 87 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 87 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 87 Electoral Act 2022 is about Power to limit contribution to a political party. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) The Commission shall have power to place limitation on the amount of money or other assets whichan individual can contribute to a political party […]

Section 86 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 86 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 86 Electoral Act 2022 is about Period to be covered by annual statement. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) Every political party shall submit to the Commission a detailed annual statement of assets andliabilities and analysis of its sources of funds and other assets, […]

Section 85 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 85 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 85 Electoral Act 2022 is about Offences in relation to finances of a political party. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. Any political party that—(a) holds or possesses any fund outside Nigeria in contravention of section 225 (3) (a) of the Constitution,commits an offence and […]

Section 84 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 84 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 84 Electoral Act 2022 is about Nomination of candidates by parties. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) A political party seeking to nominate candidates for elections under this Act shall hold primaries foraspirants to all elective positions which shall be monitored by the Commission. […]

Section 83 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 83 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 83 Electoral Act 2022 is about Monitoring of political parties. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) The Commission shall keep records of the activities of all the registered political parties. (2) The Commission may seek information or clarification from any registered political party inconnection […]

Section 82 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 82 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 82 Electoral Act 2022 is about Notice of convention, congress. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) Every registered political party shall give the Commission at least 21 days’ notice of any convention,congress, conference or meeting convened for the purpose of “merger” and electing members […]

Section 81 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 81 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 81 Electoral Act 2022 is about Merger of political parties. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) Any two or more registered political parties may merge on approval by the Commission following aformal request presented to the Commission by the political parties for that purpose. […]

Section 80 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 80 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 80 Electoral Act 2022 is about Allocation of symbols. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. Where a symbol is registered by a political party in accordance with this Act, the Commission shall allotthe symbol to any candidate sponsored by the political party at any election.

Section 79 Nigerian Electoral Act 2022

Section 79 Nigerian Electoral Act Section 79 Electoral Act 2022 is about Symbols of political parties. It is under Part V (Political Parties) of the Act. (1) The Commission shall keep a register of symbols and name for use at elections. (2) The Commission shall register the symbol and name of a political party if […]