LawGlobal Hub

Section 90 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 90 Child’s Right Act Section 90 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Establishment of panels of persons from which guardians ad litem may be appointed. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. (1) The Minister my by regulations provide for the establishment of panels of persons from which guardians ad litem appointed […]

Section 89 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 89 Child’s Right Act Section 89 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Appointment of guardian ad litem. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. (1) The Court may, for the purpose of any specified proceedings, appoint a guardian ad litem for the child concerned to safeguard the interests of the child, unless […]

Section 88 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 88 Child’s Right Act Section 88 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Disputes between joint guardians. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. Where two or more persons act as joint guardians of a child and they are unable to agree on any question affecting the welfare of the child, any of […]

Section 87 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 87 Child’s Right Act Section 87 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Power of a guardian over estate of a child. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. A guardian under this Act shall have all such powers over the estate, as the case may be, of a child as a guardian […]

Section 86 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 86 Child’s Right Act Section 86 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Revocation of guardianship. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. The appointment of a guardian under sections 85 and 90 of this Act may be brought to an end at any time by an order of the Court‐(a) on the […]

Section 85 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 85 Child’s Right Act Section 85 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Consent of a person appointed as a guardian. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. The consent of a person appointed as a guardian is necessary for the appointment to have effect.

Section 84 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 84 Child’s Right Act Section 84 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Order for guardianship of a child. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. (1) Where an application for the guardianship of child is made to the Court by a person, the court may, by order, appoint that person to be […]

Section 83 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 83 Child’s Right Act Section 83 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Guardianship of a child. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. (1) The parents of a child shall have guardianship of the child and, in the event of the death of a parent, the surviving parent shall be the guardian […]

Section 82 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 82 Child’s Right Act Section 82 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Parental responsibility of a guardian. It is under Part IX (Guardianship) of the Act. (1) Except as provided under section 69 of this Act, a person appointed a guardian under this Part of this Act shall have parental responsibility for the child. […]

Section 81 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 81 Child’s Right Act Section 81 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Penalties for contravening sections 79 and 80. It is under Part VIII (Possession and Custody of Children) of the Act. A person who contravenes the provisions of Sections 79 and 80 of this Act or of any rules under those sections commits […]