LawGlobal Hub

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2037 – Timor-Leste

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2037 – Timor-Leste Resolution 2037 (2012) The Security Council, Reaffirming all its previous resolutions and statements on the situation in Timor-Leste, in particular its resolutions 1599 (2005), 1677 (2006), 1690 (2006), 1703 (2006), 1704 (2006), 1745 (2007), 1802 (2008), 1867 (2009), 1912 (2010) and 1969 (2011), Welcoming the report of […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2036 – Somalia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2036 – Somalia Resolution 2036 (2012) The Security Council, Recalling all previous resolutions on the situation in Somalia, in particular resolution 2010 (2011), as well as other relevant Presidential Statements and resolutions on protection of civilians in armed conflict, women and peace and security, and children and armed conflict, Reaffirming […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2035 – Sudan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2035 – Sudan Resolution 2035 (2012) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and statements of its President concerning Sudan, Reaffirming its commitment to the cause of peace throughout Sudan, to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Sudan, to the full and timely resolution of outstanding Comprehensive Peace […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2033 – Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2033 – Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security Resolution 2033 (2012) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions and statements of its President which underscore the importance of developing effective partnerships between the United Nations and regional organizations, […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2032 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2032 – Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan Resolution 2032 (2011) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and its presidential statements on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan, and in particular, resolution 1990 (2011) and resolution 2024 (2011), Reaffirming its commitment to the principles of sovereignty and […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2031 – Central African Republic

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2031 – Central African Republic Resolution 2031 (2011) The Security Council, Recalling the statements of its President relating to the situation in the Central African Republic, in particular S/PRST/2010/29, S/PRST/2010/26, S/PRST/2009/35, S/PRST/2009/13, and S/PRST/2009/5, Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of the Central African […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2030 – Guinea-Bissau

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2030 – Guinea-Bissau Resolution 2030 (2011) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and statements of its President concerning the situation in Guinea-Bissau, in particular its resolutions 1876 (2009) and 1949 (2010), Welcoming the efforts made by the Government of Guinea-Bissau towards the maintenance of stability and constitutional order, including […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2028 – Middle East

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2028 – Middle East Resolution 2028 (2011) The Security Council, Noting with concern that the situation in the Middle East is tense and is likely to remain so, unless and until a comprehensive settlement covering all aspects of the Middle East problem can be reached, Having considered the report of […]