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Article III Section 19 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article III Section 19 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 19 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Appropriations for Support of Widows and Orphans of Persons Who Served in the Armed Forces. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Appropriations for Support of Widows and Orphans of Persons Who Served in the […]

Article III Section 18 Pennsylvania Constitution – Compensation Laws Allowed to General Assembly

Article III Section 18 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 18 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Compensation Laws Allowed to General Assembly. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Compensation Laws Allowed to General Assembly The General Assembly may enact laws requiring the payment by employers, or employers and employees jointly, […]

Article III Section 17 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article III Section 17 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 17 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Appointment of Legislative Officers and Employees. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Appointment of Legislative Officers and Employees The General Assembly shall prescribe by law the number, duties and compensation of the officers and […]

Article III Section 15 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article III Section 15 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 15 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Public School Money Not Available to Sectarian Schools. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Public School Money Not Available to Sectarian Schools No money raised for the support of the public schools of the […]

Article III Section 14 Pennsylvania Constitution – Public School System

Article III Section 14 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 14 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Public School System. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Public School System The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of public education to serve the […]

Article III Section 13 Pennsylvania Constitution – Passage of Laws

Article III Section 13 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 13 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Vote Denied Members with Personal Interest. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Vote Denied Members with Personal Interest A member who has a personal or private interest in any measure or bill proposed or […]

Article III Section 12 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article III Section 12 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 12 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Legislation Designated by Governor at Special Sessions. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Legislation Designated by Governor at Special Sessions When the General Assembly shall be convened in special session, there shall be no […]

Article III Section 11 Pennsylvania Constitution – Appropriation Bills

Article III Section 11 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 11 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Appropriation Bills. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Appropriation Bills The general appropriation bill shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the executive, legislative and judicial departments of the Commonwealth, for the public debt and […]

Article III Section 10 Pennsylvania Constitution – Revenue Bills

Article III Section 10 Pennsylvania Constitution Article III Section 10 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Revenue Bills. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections. Revenue Bills All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose amendments as in other bills. See also: […]