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How UK Spouse Visa Changes in 2025 May Impact Family Reunification?

Immigration Advice Service UK has shared new 2025 spouse visa updates to look forward to if you are migrating into the UK as a dependent next year. 

The new changes to the UK spouse visa process may divide many more families apart so if you are considering bringing your spouse into the UK next year, this article on UK immigration rules for families in 2025 is an urgent read for you! 

You’ll find out how families may be divided by UK spouse visa changes in 2025 and be a step ahead with the spouse visa eligibility UK. It will also help you adequately prepare for the spouse visa requirements in 2025.

Spouse Visa Eligibility UK – Steps To Meet New UK Spouse Visa Eligibility Criteria In 2025

A UK spouse visa is issued to a spouse dependent that meets the spouse visa eligibility UK. It is typically valid for 33 months with the opportunity to extend for another 30 months, apply for an ILR (indefinite leave to remain) and eventually UK citizenship. 

With the newly elected party’s recent changes to the UK spouse visa process, it can only mean an updated spouse visa eligibility criteria in 2025. If you are serious about migrating to join a spouse, make sure to follow this UK spouse visa eligibility list;

  1. You and your spouse must be 18 years or older
  2. Either one of you(especially the host) must have been living in the UK with evidence of permanent residence.
  3. You must have been legally married or officially engaged to a spouse who is British or Irish.
  4. If officially engaged, you must make sure to legally get married within the next 6 months of your arrival into the UK
  5.  Your spouse must meet up to the minimum annual income requirements we’ll later discuss in this article. 
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Spouse Visa Requirements UK 2025

One of the most searched terms used by spouse dependents aiming to migrate into the UK would be; “What are the new income requirements for the UK spouse visa in 2025?”

Not to worry, this section not only provides updated information on the new 2025 spouse visa income requirements, we’ll also consider other aspects that may make or mar your application process. 

Here are a list of must-have spouse visa requirements for the spouse visa eligibility UK;


The desperation of some immigrants who wish to live in the UK has led them to enter into a faux romantic arrangement so they can use the UK spouse visa immigration route. 

To curb this, the Home Office wants to make sure you are in a genuine relationship with your spouse and requires you to present the following; 

  • An official or legal document of not more than 4 years; validating your marriage or relationship status such as an utility bill paid together, a bank statement from a jointly owned account or a tenancy agreement showing that you have both lived in a residential apartment. 
  • A legally binding marriage or partnership certificate.
  • If you are not yet married or live together, you should provide evidence of consistent communication, time spent together as lovers, child support or personal financial support to each other. 


As of April 2024, the financial earnings for a spouse visa eligibility UK was £29,000 but there have been speculations that it may be increased or reviewed by the Home Office by the first quarter of 2025. What this means is that in a year, the combination of your salary, savings, investment, or pension must be £29,000 or more if it eventually changes in 2025.

The Home Office will require you to provide evidence of all your major sources of income that prove you have a financial earning of that amount. 

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The UK government wants to be assured you are not joining your spouse in the UK without sufficient provision for accommodation. So you are expected to demonstrate that you have a decent arrangement for residential shelter when applying for a UK spouse visa. 

You must show that you have a decent, spacious, public health certified accommodation that is legally owned and exclusively to you and your spouse by providing the following documents;

  • A tenancy agreement that proves the house is officially rented and exclusive to you.
  • If bought residential property, a mortgage certificate that shows it belongs to you.
  • A public health certificate that shows the accommodation is not overcrowded, unsafe or unhealthy to live in. 


If the spouse migrating into the UK through the spouse visa immigration route is not a British citizen or from a country that accepts English as its official language, they must show that they understand and can sufficiently communicate in English language by providing evidence of knowledge using the following documents;

  • An A1-level certified CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference) passes an English language test.
  • An educational degree or certification in English language that has been approved by the ECCTIS (Evaluation and Certification of International Qualifications and Skills)

You will only be exempt from doing any of this if you are in any of the categories listed here


The 2025 UK immigration laws for family migration and the potential increase in income requirements for the spouse visa eligibility UK poses a big challenge for many families and lovers who look forward to reuniting with each other next year.

Will the Home Office stay true to its proposed plan of increasing annual income requirements of spouses from £29,000 to £38,700 by June 2025 or,

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Will it implement the newly elected labor government’s decision to only review the eligibility criteria and not increase the financial requirements? 

It’s really hard to tell in situations like this when a certain decision hasn’t been made. We can only recommend you consider hiring a UK immigration lawyer to assist you with the immigration process and improve your chances of meeting up with the spouse visa eligibility UK. Good luck with your immigration plans! 

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