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Insurance Company Tactics You Need to Know

Insurance Company Tactics You Need to Know

It’s easy to assume that a workers’ compensation insurance company will do everything possible to care for you as an injured worker. After all, your employer pays premiums for protection, so you expect to receive the help you need when you’ve been injured in the workplace. However, that’s not everyone’s experience with insurance companies, and it’s not uncommon for them to use some of the following tactics to pay less or nothing at all.

Making You Use Their Doctors

Many people looking for legal representation for injured workers ask their chosen lawyer why they haven’t been able to use their family doctor for treatment. Insurance companies often request that you use their doctors to protect themselves from false or misleading claims.

This can be frustrating for some injured workers when they must travel long distances to access the care they need. However, if you read through legal resources, you might learn that you have the right to submit additional medical documents from your regular physician to the insurance company and request transport to a medical exam if required.

Calling to See How You Are

Some injured workers receive phone calls from insurance companies immediately after an accident, with the employee saying that the purpose of their call is to see how they’re doing.

However, they sometimes have an ulterior motive. Some insurance agents call before you’ve had a chance to speak to a doctor or lawyer and encourage you to accept a settlement offer to avoid going to court. While you might want to avoid going to court, your chosen workplace accident lawyer might be able to negotiate a better settlement figure than the one you were initially offered.

Delaying Medical Treatment Approval

Most employees injured at work want to access medical care to get better. However, insurance companies can sometimes make that challenging. You might have recommendations from multiple doctors saying you need treatment or medical care, but insurance companies can request more opinions.

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The delay can be frustrating when you’re in pain, but it might also be detrimental to your recovery. The longer you have to wait for insurance to access the medication or surgery you require, the higher the risk might be of an extended recovery time or permanent damage.

Saying Your Injuries Are Pre-Existing

You might assume that no one would dispute your fresh injuries being from the very accident you just reported in the workplace. However, some insurance companies can. If they believe your injury relates to an existing condition, your age, or prior injuries, they might try to avoid paying compensation for treatment and lost wages.

Fortunately, your chosen lawyer can assist with gathering medical reports, witness statements, and evidence to strengthen your case. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case might be and the less likely it might be for an insurance company to deny your claim for this reason.

Insurance companies are there to protect you, but they also want to protect themselves and their interests. Now that you’re aware of the most common tactics and techniques they can use against injured workers, you and your legal team might be in a better position to establish a strong defense and achieve a successful outcome.

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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 79.48

1 Texas Administrative Code § 79.48 – Notification Regarding an Entity Name That Falsely Implies Governmental Affiliation; Documentation to be Submitted in Response (a) If the secretary of state


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