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Basic-Law: Israel Lands (5720 – 1960) Full Text

Basic-Law: Israel Lands (Originally adopted in 5720 – 1960)

Israel Lands 1960 was passed on July 25, 1960, by the Fourth Knesset. The law, containing no entrenched clause, prohibits the transfer of ownership over lands owned by the state, the Development Authority or the Jewish National Fund, either by sale or by any other means, with the exception of types of land or transactions that have been specified in the law.

(This unofficial English translation of the basic law includes all the amendments adopted through May 1, 2022. Special thanks to Dr. Sheila Hattis Rolef for the translation.)

Article 1 Israel Lands 1960 – Prohibition of ownership transfer

The ownership of Israel’s Lands, which is the real estate belonging to the State, the Development Authority, or the Jewish National Fund, shall not be transferred, whether by means of sale, or in any other manner.

Article 2 Israel Lands 1960 – Permission by law

Article 1 shall not apply to categories of real estate and categories of transactions prescribed on this matter by law.

Article 3 Israel Lands 1960 – Definition

In this law “real estate” – land, houses, buildings, and anything permanently attached to the ground.

See also:

The Knesset 1958

Credit: The State of Israel

See also  Basic-Law: The Knesset (5718-1958) Full Text

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