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Nigerian Civil Aviation Act 2022

Civil Aviation Act 2022

An Act to Repeal the Civil Aviation Act, No. 6, 2006 and Enact the Civil Aviation Act, 2022 for the Regulation of Civil Aviation in Nigeria; and for Related Matters

This Act may be cited as the Civil Aviation Act, 2022

Part I — Objectives, Application and Control of Civil Aviation

Section 1 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Objectives.

Section 2 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Application of this Act.

Section 3 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Control of civil aviation

Part II — Establishment of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority

Section 4 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Establishment of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority.

Section 5 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Establishment of the Governing Board.

Section 6 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Tenure of office of the Chairman and members of the Board.

Section 7 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Allowances, expenses and any other entitlement of Chairman and members of the Board.

Part III — Functions and Powers of the Authority

Section 8 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Functions of the Authority.

Section 9 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Powers of the Authority.

Section 10 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Functions and powers of the Board.

Part IV — Management and Staff of the Authority

Section 11 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Appointment and tenure of the Director-General.

Section 12 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Appointment of Secretary to the Board.

Section 13 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Other staff of the Authority.

Section 14 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Service in the Authority to be pensionable.

Section 15 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Appointment of experts.

Section 16 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Establishment of Directorates and Inspectorates.

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Part V — Financial Provisions

Section 17 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Funds of the Authority.

Section 18 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Expenditure of the Authority.

Section 19 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to accept gifts.

Section 20 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to borrow and invest.

Section 21 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to impose fees for services.

Section 22 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Exemption from tax.

Section 23 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Air ticket, charter and cargo sales charge.

Section 24 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Accounts and audit.

Section 25 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Annual report.

Part VI — Ministerial Powers and Directions

Section 26 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Directions by the Minister.

Section 27 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Emergency powers of the Minister for the protection of public health.

Section 28 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power of the Minister to make orders in emergency.

Section 29 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Designation of essential services.

Section 30 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Periodic publication of aviation policies.

Part VII — Powers of the Authority to Control and Regulate Civil Aviation

Section 31 Civil Aviation Act 2022: General power to regulate civil aviation.

Section 32 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to issue, amend, modify, suspend or revoke certificates.

Section 33 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Powers of the authority to conduct investigations.

Section 34 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power of the Authority to make rules for the protection of public health.

Section 35 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power of the Authority to prohibit certain activities.

Section 36 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to request for information.

Section 37 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Restriction on disclosure and use of information.

Section 38 Civil Aviation Act 2022: False information.

Section 39 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Regulation of airspace.

Section 40 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Regulation of air navigation service.

Section 41 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Grant of exemptions.

Section 42 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Aviation security.

Section 43 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Requirement for approval of airline security programme.

Section 44 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Security surveys, audits, tests and inspections.

Section 45 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Security checks of passenger and baggage.

Section 46 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Incident reporting, investigation and enforcement.

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Section 47 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Validation of actions of the Civil Aviation Authority of other States.

Section 48 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Right of access for inspection.

Section 49 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Authority to prevent flight.

Part VIII — International Obligations

Section 50 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Application of certain conventions.

Section 51 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Application of air services agreement and security funds.

Section 52 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Authority to act in consistency with international obligations.

Section 53 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Authority to enter into cooperation agreements.

Section 54 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Bilateral exchange of safety oversight responsibilities.

Section 55 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Carriers’ liability.

Section 56 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Application to aircraft of law of wreck and salvage.

Section 57 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Patent claims.

Section 58 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Infringement of patent.

Part IX — Nationality and Registration of Aircraft

Section 59 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Aircraft registration.

Section 60 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Recordation of interest in aircraft.

Part X — Safety Regulation

Section 61 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Duty to promote safety of civil aviation.

Section 62 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Establishment of State Safety Programme.

Section 63 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Airman licences or certificates.

Section 64 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Airworthiness certificates.

Section 65 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Air operator certificate.

Section 66 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Approved training and maintenance organisations.

Section 67 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Air navigation facility safety standards.

Section 68 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Duty of operators and airmen.

Section 69 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Transportation of dangerous goods by air.

Section 70 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Authority to inspect aircraft.

Part XI — Provision of Aerodromes and Control of Land for Aviation Purposes

Section 71 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Establishment of aerodromes.

Section 72 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Eligibility for an aerodrome certificate.

Section 73 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Charges for using certified aerodromes.

Section 74 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Obstructions near aerodrome.

Section 75 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Trespass on aerodromes.

Section 76 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Requirement for approval of aerodrome security programme.

Section 77 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Limitation on the construction of refuse disposal facility or site.

Part XII — Civil and Criminal Penalties

Section 78 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to impose civil penalties.

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Section 79 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Actions in trespass, nuisance and damage by and from aircraft.

Section 80 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Forgery or counterfeiting of documents

Section 81 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Dangerous flying.

Section 82 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Damage to air navigation and other facility.

Section 83 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Hijacking and interference.

Section 84 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Endangering the safety, destroying or damaging of an aircraft.

Section 85 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Interference with crew members.

Part XIII — Jurisdiction

Section 86 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Jurisdiction to try offences under this Act.

Section 87 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Adoption of measures to avoid delays.

Part XIV —Investigation and Enforcement

Section 88 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Issuance of warrant for investigation.

Section 89 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Investigation or search without warrant.

Section 90 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Protection of informants and witnesses.

Section 91 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Complaints to and investigations by the Authority.

Section 92 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Oral, written and electronic evidence.

Section 93 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Video recording and custody of records.

Section 94 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Designation of agent for service.

Part XV — Air Operator Economic Regulation

Section 95 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Control of air transport undertaking.

Part XVI — Supplementary Provisions Relating to Licences and Permits

Section 96 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Eligibility for licences and permits.

Section 97 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Refusal to grant licences or permits.

Section 98 Civil Aviation Act 2022: General duties relating to licensing function of the Authority.

Section 99 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Permit to foreign air operators.

Section 100 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to establish training facility.

Section 101 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Aviation safeguards.

Section 102 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Compensation schemes for passengers and other aviation services

Section 103 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Regulation of sale, distribution and provision of allied services.

Section 104 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Insurance.

Part XVII — Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 105 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Limitation of action against the Authority.

Section 106 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Restriction on execution against property of the Authority.

Section 107 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Indemnification of officers.

Section 108 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Cooperation with other agencies.

Section 109 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Power to acquire land.

Section 110 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Restriction on use of adjacent land.

Section 111 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Service of notices.

Section 112 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Service of documents.

Section 113 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Registration of births and deaths.

Section 114 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Repeals.

Section 115 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Savings provisions.

Section 116 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Transitional provisions.

Section 117 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Interpretation.

Section 118 Civil Aviation Act 2022: Citation.

Schedules: Not available.

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