Home » WACA Cases » Samuel Akinsanya The Odemo Of Ishara V. The Governor Of Nigeria (1949) LJR-WACA

Samuel Akinsanya The Odemo Of Ishara V. The Governor Of Nigeria (1949) LJR-WACA

Samuel Akinsanya The Odemo Of Ishara V. The Governor Of Nigeria (1949)

LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal

Removal of member of Native Authority—Native Authority Ordinance, section11—Jurisdiction of Supreme Court—” Ex-officio ” member of Native Authority—Standing Rules of Native Authority.


The trial Judge held that he had no power to entertain the appellant’s claim which sought, in effect, to have set aside a lawful direction under section 11 of the Native Authority Ordinance, and rejected the appellants contentions (a) that by virtue of his position as an ex-officio member of the Ijebu Remo Council he was also an ex-officio member of the Ijebu Remo Native Authority and therefore section 11 of the Native Authority Ordinance, which does not mention ex-officio members, did not apply to him.

The trial Judge also held that there was no statutory provision for a distinct class of ex-officio members, as such, in relation to a Native Authority, that the Resident in stating in a letter that the appellant was ” now ex-officio a member ” of the Native Authority was acting ultra wires and that the references in the Standing Rules of the Native Authority to ” ex-officio ” members were likewise ultra wires.


On appeal,
(i) that the trial Judge was right;
(ii) that being so, the appellant came within the scope of section 11 of the Native Authority Ordinance.

Appeal dismissed.

See also  Ma Chukwunta V. Nwalu Chukwu & Ors (1953) LJR-WACA

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