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Section 11 Nigerian Civil Aviation Act 2022

Section 11 Civil Aviation Act 2022

Section 11 of the Civil Aviation Act 2022 is about Appointment and tenure of the Director-General. It is under Part IV (Management and Staff of the Authority) of the Act.

(1) There shall be for the Authority a Director-General Civil Aviation (in this Act referred to as “the Director-General”) who shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Minister, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

(2) The Director-General shall be primarily responsible for the fostering of the safety and security of civil aviation in Nigeria and shall—
(a) be the chief executive and accounting officer of the Authority ;
(b) be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Authority ;

(c) be appointed for a term of five years in the first instance and may be re-appointed for a further term of five years and no more ;
(d) conduct the Authority’s affairs with prudence and due diligence to ensure that the Authority does not become insolvent ; and
(e) possess relevant and adequate professional qualifications and shall have been so qualified for a period of not less than 15 years in one or more of the following fields—
(i) aeronautical engineering,
(ii) air transport management,
(iii) aerodrome engineering,

(iv) air craft piloting,
(v) air navigation services,
(vi) aviation law, or
(vii) any other relevant field in civil aviation.

(3) The Director-General may be removed from office by the President subject to confirmation by the Senate, where he—
(a) becomes of unsound mind or is incapable of carrying out his duties as a result of physical or mental illness or has demonstrated inability to effectively perform the duties of his office ;

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(b) has been absent from five consecutive meetings of the Board without the consent of the Chairman unless he shows good reason for such absence ;
(c) is guilty of serious misconduct ;
(d) in the case of a person possessed of professional qualifications, is disqualified or suspended from practicing his profession in any part of the world by an order of a competent authority ; or

(e) is in a conflict of interest as stipulated in the First Schedule to this Act.

(4) The Director-General shall not be removed from office except in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

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