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Section 11 Nigerian National Health Act 2014

Section 11 National Health Act

Section 11 National Health Act 2014 is about Establishment of Basic Health Care Provision Fund. It is under Part I (Responsibility for Health and Eligibility for Health Services and Establishment of National Health System) of the Act.

1) There is established the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (in this Act referred to as “the Fund”).

(2) The Basic Health Care Provision Fund shall be financed from—
(a) Federal Government annual grant of not less than one per cent of its Consolidated Revenue Fund.
(b) grants by international donor partners ; and
(c) funds from any other source.

(3) Money from the Fund shall be used to finance the following—
(a) 50% of the Fund shall be used for the provision of basic minimum package of health services to citizens, in eligible primary or secondary health care facilities through the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) ;
(b) 20 percent of the Fund shall be used to provide essential drugs, vaccines and consumables for eligible primary health care facilities ;
(c) 15 per cent of the Fund shall be used for the provision and maintenance of facilities, equipment and transport for eligible primary healthcare facilities ; and

(d) 10 per cent of the Fund shall be used for the development of human resources for primary health care;
(e) 5 percent of the Fund shall be used for emergency medical treatment to be administered by a Committee appointed by the National Council on Health.

(4) The National Primary Health Care Development Agency shall disburse the funds for subsection 3(5), (c) and (d) of this section through State and Federal Capital Territory Primary Health Care Boards for distribution to Local Government and Area Council Health Authorities.

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(5) For any State or Local Government to qualify for a block grant pursuant to sub-section (1) of this section, such State or Local Government shall contribute—
(a) in the case of a State, not less than 25 per cent of the total cost of projects ; and

(b) in the case of a Local Government, not less than 25 per cent of the total cost of projects as their commitment in the execution of such projects.

(6) The National Primary Health Care Development Agency shall not disburse money to any—
(a) Local Government Health Authority if it is not satisfied that the money earlier disbursed was applied in accordance with the provisions of this Act ;
(b) State or Local Government that fails to contribute its counterpart funding ; and
(c) States and Local Governments that fail to implement the national health policy, norms, standards and guidelines prescribed by the National Council on Health.

(7) The National Primary Health Care Development Agency shall develop appropriate guidelines for the administration, disbursement and monitoring of the Fund with the approval of the Minister.

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