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Section 113 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 113 Electricity Act 2023

Section 113 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Distribution and Supply Network and Renewable Energy. It is under Part X (Distribution and Supply of Electricity) of the Act.

(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section 68 of this Act, the Commission and the ISO shall have the continuing obligation to promote the distribution or supply of electricity from renewable energy sources.

(2) The Commission shall carryout a review every two years and assess whether —
(a) the distribution or supply licensee has tied up adequate sources of power through long term and medium-term power purchase agreements to meet the annual average demand of the area it is required to serve;

(b) the distribution licensee is maintaining the distribution system in good condition in order to ensure uninterrupted and reliable power supply; and

(c) the complaints of consumers are promptly addressed and in case of default take appropriate regulatory measure under this Act.

(3) Where any person, whose premises is situated within the area of supply of a distribution licensee requires supply of electricity from a generating company or any licensee other than such distribution licensee, such person may, enter into a distribution use of system agreement with the distribution licensee to wheel such
electricity in accordance with regulations made by the Commission and the duties of the distribution licensee with respect to such supply shall be of a common carrier providing non-discriminatory open access,

(4) Every distribution and supply licensee shall, establish separate forums for redress of grievances of the consumers in accordance with the guidelines as may be specified by the Commission:

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Provided that in case of multiple distribution or supply licensee, a joint forum for redress of grievances of consumers may be established separately for distribution licensees and supply licensees.

(5) Any consumer, who is aggrieved, may make a complaint for the redress of his grievance to the licensee and the licensee shall settle such grievances within a time frame as specified by the Commission.

(6) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsections (4) and (5), consumers within the same franchise area may not be allowed to switch suppliers except such consumers have letters of non-indebtedness issued to them by previous suppliers.

(7) Where the licensee fails to settle the grievances of the consumer within such time and in such manner as may be specified under subsection (5), the consumer shall bring his complaint to the attention of the Commission for quick mediation and resolution of the matter.

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