Home » Nigeria » Section 115 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 115 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 115 Electricity Act 2023

Section 115 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Disconnection of supply in default of payment. It is under Part X (Distribution and Supply of Electricity) of the Act.

(1) From the commencement of this Act, here is a mandatory obligation on all customers to pay electricity bill and where any person neglects to pay any charge for electricity due from him to a distribution licensee, the licensee may, after giving notice in a manner prescribed in any regulations issued by the Commission
in that regard, cut off the supply of electricity and for that purpose cut or disconnect any electric supply line or other works being the property of such licensee or the generating company through which electricity may have been supplied, transmitted, distributed or wheeled and may discontinue the supply until such charge or other sum, together with any expenses incurred by the licensee in cutting off and reconnecting the supply, are paid.

(2) A provision of this Act or anything contained in any other law shall not prohibit the recovery of arrears of charges for electricity supplied.

(3) The provisions of this section are also applicable to consumers using pre-paid meters where due to defect in the meter it becomes impossible for such pre-paid consumers to input credit on the meter thus compelling the licensee to use the average charge of electricity paid by the consumer during the preceding months
under subsection (1).

(4) Nothing in subsection (2) shall entitle a distribution licensee, distribution franchisee or supply licensee to enforce a former landlord’s or previous tenant’s outstanding electricity bill against a new landlord or new tenant or new occupant of a property except against the former landlord or previous tenants in accordance with this

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