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Section 124 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 124 Child’s Right Act

Section 124 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Offences under this Part. It is under Part XI (Fostering) of the Act.

(1) A person who‐
(a) being required, under any provision made by or under this Part of this Act, to give any notice or information‐
(i) fails, without reasonable excuse, to give the notice within the time specified in that provision. or
(ii) fails, without reasonable excuse, to give the information within a reasonable time, or
(iii) makes or causes or procures another person to make any statement in the notice or information which he knows or believes to be false or misleading in a material particular; or

(b) refuses to allow a child fostered privately to be visited by a duly authorised officer of the State Government; or
(c) intentionally obstructs another person in the exercise of the power conferred by section 121 (2) of this Act ; or

(d) contravenes section 124 of this Act; or
(e) fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with any requirement imposed by a State Government under this Part of this Act; or
(f) accommodates a child fostered privately in any premises in contravention of a prohibition known to him to have. been imposed by a State Government under this Part of this Act; or
(g) knowingly publishes or causes to be published, an advertisement which he knows contravenes Paragraph 8 of Part III of Schedule 4 to this Act, commits an offence under this Act.

(2) Where a person contravenes Section 124 (3) of this Act, he does not commit an offence under this section if he proves that he did not know, and had no reasonable ground for believing, that an to whom section 124 (1) applies was living or employed in the premises in question.

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(3) A person who commits an offence‐
(a) under subsection (1) (a) of this section, is liable on summary conviction to a fine nor exceeding five thousand Naira
(b) under subsection (1) (b), (c),(d), (e), (f), or (g) of this section, is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand Naira or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(4) If a person who is required under any provision of this Part of this Act to give notice fails to give the notice within the time specified in that provision, proceedings for an offence may be brought at any time within six months from the date when evidence of the offence came to the knowledge of the State Government.

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